
저장 취소
미리 보기 다운로드

Beautiful young woman in headset working at the computer and smiling while sitting at her working place in office

확장 라이센스 사용 가능

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장바구니에 추가
px | in | 센티미터 Credits
소형 900 x 598 12.5" x 8.3" (72 dpi) 31.8 x 21.1 (72 dpi)
중형 1600 x 1064 5.3" x 3.5" (300 dpi) 13.5 x 8.9 (300 dpi)
대형 2800 x 1863 9.3" x 6.2" (300 dpi) 23.6 x 15.7 (300 dpi)
특대형 4256 x 2832 14.2" x 9.4" (300 dpi) 36.1 x 23.9 (300 dpi)
확장 라이센스 4256 x 2832 14.2" x 9.4" (300 dpi) 36.1 x 23.9 (300 dpi)

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관련 키워드

정년자, 후견, 아리땁다, beautiful hair, beautiful smile, beautiful woman smiling, beauty hair, 블론드의, blonde hair, 장사, business casual, 비지니스 인텔리전스, 영업소, business phone, business services, 실업가, 호칭하다, 콜센터, 솔직하다, 캐쥬얼, 백인, 한복판, 흥겹다, 호강스럽다, 통지, 컴퓨터, computer desk, computer technology, 확신, confident woman, 수용자, 커스터머 서비스, customer service representative, 편집실, 흥치, elegant woman, expertise, 형언하다, 헤어, 희락, happy customer, happy woman, happy workers, 헤드셋, how it works, 식견, 집구석에, 흡기, 총명, , it support, 라이프스타일, 차지, 취급소, office desk, office people, office phone, 회사원, 사무, 하나11, 홑으로, 피플, people smiling, people talking, person on computer, person on phone, , 플레이스, 포지티브, 프로페셔널, professional services, professional woman, 특파원, 장관, 행2, 회의, 현명하다, 일소하다, 웃는, 웃는여자, 주공, successful woman, 후원하다, 말하는, 테크놀로지, toothy, 쓰는, using computer, 필부, woman at computer, woman business, woman computer, woman hair, woman happy, woman on computer, woman on phone, woman positive, woman smile, woman smiling, 여자들, women elegant, women talking, 활동하다, 종업원, 취급, working on computer, working people, working woman, 풀어내다, 젊은이, 젊은이, young professional, 젊은여자

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